CAP Trustee

Christians Against Poverty

CAP’s Board of Trustees is a highly skilled group who are fully committed to the mission of the organisation. We are responsible for helping the Executive team set the strategy and policy framework of Christians Against Poverty, determining direction and goals, protecting and promoting the identity, faith and values of the charity, supporting the church network, and fulfilling our statutory responsibilities.

The Board collectively holds accountable the Chief Executive Officer and the Executive team. Their role is to build strong, trusting relationships, providing constructive challenge, support, encouragement and prayer. 

Working with CAP is exhilarating because our impact is so transformational. The Board is a creative space of ideation and inspiration, bringing prayerful encouragement, constructive challenge and rigorous oversight. We bring our full selves to the Board, making it a space that welcomes and seeks the diversity of our personalities, professional experiences, church backgrounds and gifts. 

As a Board, we discuss how our impact can be measured far beyond just numbers. We experience partnership with the living Christ and the power of his resurrection as we see thousands of people break free from debt and poverty, get connected with a loving church community and begin a relationship with Jesus. We have a huge vision to see lives transformed, thriving churches and an end to UK poverty, knowing that Jesus is the key to all these things. 

As Trustees, we intentionally focus on CAP’s strategic direction and avoid becoming involved in day-to-day operational decisions and matters. Please refer to Appendix 1 for an overview of the responsibilities and statutory duties of CAP’s Trustees. In our succession planning as a Board, we have the opportunity to welcome new members who bring experience and wisdom relevant to the strategic season ahead. 


There is an occupational requirement for CAP’s Trustees to be active Christians involved in a local church. They must accept and affirm CAP’s Statement of Faith


Attachment Size
Trustee Recruitment Pack 2.1 MB
How to apply for the job

CV and covering letter to

Christians Against Poverty

Job Location Type
Board of Trustees
Fri, 07/06/2024
Contact Email